ReHire Colorado is a transitional jobs program through Catholic Charities of Pueblo that stabilizes individuals and families with earned income, stimulates local economies through paid wages and contributes to the economic health of employers.

Nowhere was the program's success more measurable than at the Museum of Friends in Walsenburg.
The museum, like many other businesses and organizations, faced many challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic -- including the loss of staff members due to health and other reasons.
"ReHire allowed the Museum of Friends to be open regularly since September of 2020."
"The ReHire program saved the day," Maria Cocchiarelli-Berger, Executive Director of The Museum of Friends, said. "This (program) allowed the Museum of Friends to be open regularly since September of 2020."
One specific trainee, Claudia Gremellion, proved to be an integral team member who contributed significantly to the daily functioning activities of the museum.

"We are very happy to report that as of June 1, 2021 we will be hiring Claudia Gremellion to continues the work she was trained to do," Cocchiarelli-Berger said. "As a curatorial assistant Claudia has demonstrated a real interest in this work and a willingness to learn more."
"We are very appreciative of the understanding Catholic Charities of Pueblo has shown towards are trainees regarding supplemental assistance as they work towards getting on their feet.
"Without the ReHire program I am not sure if the museum would have been able to provide the programming and exhibitions for our community during the pandemic."