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Building New Opportunities with ReHire

ReHire Team

Updated: Nov 17, 2021

Gary L. came to the ReHire Colorado program from a referral and recommendation from Kathy Cline at the Pueblo Rescue Mission on April 14, 2021. Gary had been living at the Mission for approximately a year and a half after leaving a very destructive and unhealthy marriage. He left with nothing to his name, he was feeling low and was unsure of himself and his ability to be on his own. Kathy and folks at the Rescue Mission helped Gary work on his independence and establish a little more self- confidence by allowing Gary to volunteer in their kitchen where he felt useful and was able to brush up on his skills and experience as a prep cook.

This picture was taken during a recent bike ride by one of Gary's friends.

Before we could get Gary enrolled into ReHire, he had to apply for a new social security card and birth certificate, which during the pandemic proved to be a long and difficult process. But once Gary was enrolled, ReHire provided the paid wages for Gary as a participant for the job of the prep cook and kitchen assistant. We provided him with several chef coats and non-slip shoes for the kitchen and encouraged him to see his strengths. During Gary’s time at the Mission, ReHire was contacted by the Kitchen Manager, Marcus at the Pueblo Country Club who needed a couple prep cooks and dishwashers. We immediately thought of Gary and asked him to call Marcus to set up an interview which Gary did in quick fashion. Gary started his 2nd placement at the Pueblo Country Club on May 28th. We were very excited and happy with the determination Gary put forward and Marcus was very pleased with Gary’s work which was stated on Gary’s final evaluation. As of July 1st, Gary was hired permanently as one of their prep cooks. Along with the good work he was doing at his job, Gary was able to locate a room to rent from a Mission contact and get use of a bicycle to help him get to work. ReHire assisted Gary with his rent and deposit to help establish housing outside of the Mission and we were happy to purchase a professional knife set which he needed for his new job. Throughout his time in ReHire, Gary was able to meet his goal to gain his own housing and be hired on for a permanent job. He has also re-established his self-confidence and takes pride in his work again.

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